Adv. Neshan Gunasekera
Lead Counsel, Peace Justice and Governance
LLB (Sri Lanka), MA (Colombo), National Programme Officer, UN Convention on Migratory Species.
Adv Neshan Gunasekera is an educator, coach, facilitator and lawyer from Sri Lanka. He is committed to bringing communities together for environmental protection, healing and conservation through the use of intergenerational, holistic and experiential learning. Neshan was also the former Director (2007-2012), of the Centre set up by late Judge C.G. Weeramantry, former Vice-President, International Court of Justice and founding member of the World Future Council.
He has supported the work of several international organizations including the World Future Council from its inception in a variety of capacities including as a Policy Advisor to the Future Justice Commission during the last few years. He is affiliated with several organizations, including the International Association of Lawyer’s Against Nuclear Arms and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. Neshan is a keen sportsman and uses sports as a tool for leadership training and integration.
Adv Gunasekera received the prestigious 2020 Weeramantry International Justice Award for his ceaseless work for the cause of justice and inclusion for all peoples during and after conflicts, most notably in Sri Lanka through the United Nations and globally in his excellent leadership of the Weeramantry International Centre for Peace Education and Research (WICPER), and in his contributions to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN): Commission on Education and Communications, the Earth Trusteeship Initiative and Councillor of the World Future Council as a global advocate for peace, justice and rights of current and future generations.