SDG 13 on Taking Action on Climate Change and its Impacts A Toolkit of Legal & Institutional Practices

Climate change has risen to the top of the social and, in many jurisdicitons, the political agenda in recent years. Following the passage and rapid entry into foce of the Paris Agreement, and the intensly sobering conclusions provided by the the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in it’s 1.5°C report stressing that failure to halt global temperature rise could result in increased cases of extreme heat, biodiversity loss, and destruction of coal reefs globally, calls for enhanced climate action shifted in urgency and resolve. This ground-swelling of pressure for more ambitious action is epitomized in many ways by the spread global climate strikes and youth marches calls for enhanced climate action shifted in urgency and resolve. This ground swelling of pressure for more ambitious action is epitomized in many ways by the spread global climate strikes and youth marches.

This Toolkit focuses Sustainable Development Goal 13 (SDG 13 Climate), which commits to take “urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts”, emphasizing the globally agreed upon need to mitigate anthropocentric greenhouse gas emissions and to adapt to the damages caused by climate change, while acknowledging that the “United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is the primary international, intergovernmental forum for negotiating the global response to climate change.” Specifically the Toolkit highlights potential contributions of law and policy instruments in delivering targets 13.1-13.3, as is reflective of Canada’s national and international commitments and role as a leader in climate change action.

Toolkit avalable here SDG 13 Climate – Toolkit – Can and SDGs – 05.06.2019-v2.2