Legal Aspects of Aichi Biodiversity Target 16: Scoping Paper

Legal Aspects of Aichi Biodiversity Target 16: Scoping Paper

Oct 2013  International Development Law Organization (IDLO) – Available here T16 Scoping Paper – Oct 2013

Jorge Cabrera Medaglia, Frederic Perron-Welch, and Freedom-Kai Phillips

The purpose of this scoping paper is to set out the state-of-the-art legal knowledge on Aichi Biodiversity Target 16 and identify priority areas for future research. This survey of legal knowledge is intended to provide a foundation for future research work on the most promising instruments that will support the implementation of Target 16. The survey will also examine the effectiveness of specific regional, national and subnational legal approaches. Finally, the foundational research will serve to develop practical legal guidance to assist policy-makers and other stakeholders in their attempts to achieve Target 16 through concrete action at the national level. This scoping paper forms part of a series of publications prepared under the Legal Preparedness for Achieving the Aichi Biodiversity Targets program.