Innovative Sustainability Instruments for the Green Economy: A Law & Policy Experts Panel on Strengthening Carbon Markets by Integrating the Environmental and Social Impacts of Trade & Investment
Dec 9 2010 / Hotel Azul Sensatori, Cancun, Mexico
Co-hosted by Sustainable Prosperity & the CISDL at the ICTSD Symposium on the Role of Trade and Markets in Addressing Climate Change and Sustainable Development at the COP16
This law and policy experts panel focused on the role that new instruments, such as impact assessments and carbon pricing tools, can play in helping to address climate change and secure more sustainable development. It addressed questions such as what key climate change challenges have been raised in recent impact assessments of trade and investment treaties, and how are new market-based instruments being deployed to address them; how can these instruments support the transition to a low carbon economy and harness trade & investment for sustainable development; and what can be learned from recent EU, Canada and US experiences, and from policy experiments in developing countries.
Report available here for download Dec_2010_COP16_SP-CISDL_Experts_Panel_-_Summary_Report_Jan_2011