Building Capacity on Climate Legislation
Having identified that it is in the common interest of the secretariat, the IPU and the CISDL to continue and enhance their cooperation in engaging with parliamentarians globally to promote key issues in strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change, the secretariat, the IPU and the CISDL seek to conduct this webinar series to build capacity and promote knowledge-sharing on pertinent topics in legislation and governance that arise in the implementation of the Paris Agreement. This three-part webinar series is a pathway for Parties to benefit from expert legal opinions and findings to support domestic policymaking efforts in implementing the Paris Agreement.
1. Compliance and implementation under the Paris Agreement
This webinar will involve the sharing of best practices and current legislation to illustrate how Parties are creating law and governance structures to best implement the provisions of the Paris Agreement. This discussion offers the important possibility of examining how domestic legislative and executive organs can coordinate to operationalize international legal obligations while benefitting from mutual experiences.
Climate Legislation Webinar 1_Summary Report-e_formatted (ENG)
Climate Legislation Webinar 1_Summary Report-f_formatted (FR)
2. Law and governance approaches within the ocean-climate nexus
In continuation of the UNFCCC secretariat’s engagement on the question of climate-induced risks to social stability in order to support Parties to effectively address these challenges, this webinar aims to bring together legal and policy experts from IOs to discuss how Parties can use legal instruments and governance structures, including financial mechanisms to decrease the threat-multiplier effect of climate change. The impacts of climate change on the social stability of communities and consequently of Parties are indirect, contextual, transnational and multi-dimensional, making the capacity of communities to cope extremely critical.
Climate Legislation Webinar 2_Summary Report-e
Climate Legislation Webinar 2_Summary Report-f
3. Legislative approaches in ensuring social stability in communities facing climate-induced risks
Following a series of side events on the topic of law and governance approaches relating to the ocean and climate change, this webinar aims to engage with domestic policymaking processes to examine how cross-sectoral legislation affecting climate change and the ocean can be strengthened, while sharing best practices in lawmaking and creation of institutional arrangements towards addressing climate change in the context of ocean governance.
Climate Legislation Webinar 3_Summary report-en
Climate Legislation Webinar 3-Summary report-fr