Celebrating the 2024 Biennial Global Symposium on The Natural World, the SDGs and the Law

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On 26 July 2024, The Centre for International Sustainable Development Law (CISDL) together with partners hosted the 2024 Online Global Symposium, “The Natural World, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the Law.” This virtual gathering brought together esteemed legal scholars, practitioners, and international policymakers to discuss the pressing issues of our time, focusing on the intersection of law, sustainability, and global development.

The symposium was chaired by Hon. Elizabeth Maruma Mrema, Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations and Deputy Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme, alongside Professor Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger, Senior Director of the Centre for International Sustainable Development Law and Chair in Sustainable Development Law and Policy at the University of Cambridge.

The opening keynote was delivered by Dr. Grethel Aguilar, Director-General of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Dr. Aguilar’s address highlighted the critical importance of the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) and the integral role of law in advancing nature conservation efforts globally. She emphasized the necessity of legal frameworks to support biodiversity conservation and the Sustainable Development Goals, urging participants to engage actively with these frameworks to ensure a sustainable future, and inviting greater engagement with the IUCN.

Each plenary session was chaired by esteemed figures in the field of sustainable development. The first plenary session, “Linking Human Rights & Climate Change through International Law,” was chaired by Adv. Ayman Cherkaoui and Dr. Ashfaq Khalfan. Keynote speakers Ambassador Dessima Williams and Justice Jawad Hassan provided compelling insights into how human rights law can respond to the climate emergency and advance the Sustainable Development Goals. Their discussions emphasized the interconnectedness of human rights and environmental protection, highlighting recent developments in climate litigation and the role of international law in promoting sustainability.

The second plenary session, “Governing Trade and Investment, Natural Resources & Bioeconomy Development,” was chaired by Prof. Markus Gehring, Prof. Jorge Cabrera, and Prof. Ilaria Espa. Keynote speakers Dr. Balakrishna Pisupati discussed the legal challenges and opportunities in harnessing trade and investment to implement the Global Biodiversity Framework. They explored how legal innovations from various international accords can promote the bioeconomy and the sustainable management of natural resources, providing a comprehensive overview of the role of international law in fostering sustainable economic development.

The third plenary session, “Restoring Indigenous Rights & Health for Intergenerational Justice,” was chaired by Prof. Maya Prabhu and Adv. Neshan Gunasekera. Keynote speaker Adv. Wayne Garnons-Williams addressed the principles and laws that can secure indigenous rights, including health and education, worldwide. The discussions delved into how international law can support the water-food-energy nexus for vulnerable communities and reconcile immediate community needs with long-term sustainability and justice. This plenary underscored the importance of integrating indigenous knowledge and legal traditions into broader sustainable development frameworks.

The symposium also featured the prestigious Hon. Justice Charles D. Gonthier Memorial Lectures and the HE Judge CG Weeramantry International Justice Awards. The Gonthier Memorial Lectures, delivered by Hon. Judge Dr. Kathy-Ann Brown and Prof. Christina Voigt, honored the legacy of Justice Charles D. Gonthier by addressing critical issues in international law related to justice and sustainable development. Both speakers provided profound insights into international environmental law and the significant contributions of Justice Gonthier to the field.

The Weeramantry International Justice Awards celebrated the remarkable contributions of Judge Kathy-Ann Brown, Professor Damilola Olawuyi, and Professor James Bacchus. These awards recognize senior-level jurists whose lifework exemplifies the values and vision of the late Judge CG Weeramantry. The awards ceremony highlighted the laureates’ achievements in promoting justice and sustainable development through innovative legal approaches and their dedication to advancing international law.

The event concluded with an engaging Closing International Roundtable, chaired by Prof. Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger and Dr. Ashfaq Khalfan, which featured an interactive dialogue among plenary chairs. This session synthesized the day’s discussions and explored emerging trends and innovative legal instruments to advance the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The roundtable provided a platform for reflecting on the knowledge shared throughout the day and discussing future directions in international sustainable development law.

The 2024 CISDL Online Global Symposium was a resounding success, characterized by thought-provoking discussions, high-level keynote addresses, and the celebration of legacies that continue to inspire. The event reaffirmed the pivotal role of law in achieving sustainable development and underscored the importance of global collaboration in addressing the most pressing environmental challenges of our time. We extend our deepest gratitude to all partners, participants, speakers, and organizers for their contributions to this unforgettable event.

For the Full Programme and More Information, click here.