Biodiversity Law and Governance Day 2018

Contributions of International Law & Governance to Mainstreaming Biodiversity

Registration is now open for the biennial Biodiversity Law and Governance Day 2018, a symposium during CBD COP14, convened under the COP14 Presidency.

Friday 23 November, 2018, 08:30 – 18:00; Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt

Biodiversity Law and Governance Day (BLGD) brings together biodiversity law experts, experts from other legal branches including public law, tort law, financial law, international economic law as well as governance experts, COP delegates and policy practitioners to exchange knowledge and experiences. This year, it is held alongside the CBD COP14 in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt.

Tickets available here

An international student essay competition will also be held. Submissions are due 5 October 2018.

In line with the themes of BLGD 2018, your essay can address topics such as:

  1. How can legal tools and multi-level instruments be leveraged to implement the
    Convention on Biological Diversity?
  2. What are the challenges and opportunities in operationalizing the Nagoya Protocol
    on Access and Benefit Sharing?
  3. What is the role of law and governance in advancing the implementation of the Aichi
    Biodiversity Targets and related Sustainable Development Goals?
  4. What legal frameworks will enable biodiversity finance, engage the private sector,
    and promote biodiversity-friendly trade?

Eligibility and requirements:
Submissions can be made in English or French. The legal essay competition is open to
law students from around the world. Please send a Word copy of the entry, along with a
200-word biography, with the name and title of essay in the Subject line, addressed to the
“Biodiversity Essay International Jury’ to by 5pm EST, 5 October 2018.

See here for more information