Access, Benefit Sharing and Biodiversity Conservation in Brazil: An Assessment of the Current Regulatory Framework and its Impacts

Henry Novion and Jorge Cabrera Medaglia, “Access, Benefit Sharing and Biodiversity Conservation in Brazil: an Assessment of the Current Regulatory Framework and its Impacts” (2023), online (pdf): CISDL <>.

Although the Convention on Biological Diversity recognizes that fair and equitable access and benefit sharing (“ABS”) of genetic resources is crucial, this third objective has been difficult to implement in practice. The adoption of the Nagoya Protocol in 2014 responds to some of the obstacles. To examine how this plays out in a single domestic regulatory framework, this report looks at ABS legislation in specifically Brazil. Brazil’s most recent ABS legislation was implemented in 2015 and is complemented by a SisGen registry. To learn more, read the full report online.