Doha 2012: Highlights, achievements, and challenges ahead

Invitation – CISDL Event on the topic: “Doha 2012: Highlights, achievements, and challenges ahead.”

Monday, January 21, 2013 


Room 202, Law Faculty, McGill University, 3644 Peel Street Chancellor Day Hall

The Centre for International Sustainable Development Law (CISDL) invites all those interested to a special event on a post-United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Climate Change Legal Experts will present the outcomes of the UN Climate Conference in Doha in December 2012 as well as the challenges lying ahead.

The 2012 United Nations Climate Change Conference produced the “The Doha Climate Gateway”, a collection of documents containing the extension of the Kyoto Protocol until 2020; some progress with regards the Green Climate Fund; and lastly, the articulation for the first time of the principle of “loss and damage.” The panel will focus on the specific achievements of the Conference and their impacts. Experts, including CISDL delegates, will also provide their own experience from Doha.


Ms. Katia Opalka: Adjunct Professor, McGill School of Environment.


Prof. Konstantia Koutouki: Lead Counsel at CISDL Natural Resources Program, Professor of Law at Université de Montréal.

Mr. Alexandre Genest: Part-time Professor at the Faculty of Law, Civil Law, University of Ottawa. PhD Researcher, University of Ottawa and University of Leiden.

Mr. Sébastien Jodoin: Lead Counsel at CISDL, PhD Candidate at the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies.

Ms. Katherine Lofts: Associate Fellow at CISDL.

For more information, please contact Ms. Delaney Greig at or Mr. Georgios Andriotis at