Law, Governance & Climate Change workshop at UNFCCC COP20
An International Law and Policy Workshop in the context of the 20th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Saturday December 6th, 2014
Centro Cultural de la PUCP (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú)
Av. Camino Real # 1075, San Isidro
Lima. Peru
How can international law and governance better respond to climate change?
What can universal human rights contribute to legal responses to climate change, and how could climate laws promote respect for human rights?
How can innovative legal instruments deliver more sustainable landscapes and energy, harnessing trade, investment and technology for the global green economy?
Scholars, policy-makers, experts, practitioners and stakeholders from all fields and disciplines are invited to participate in this international law and policy workshop on emerging law and governance issues in research, policy and practices related to climate change and sustainable development.
This Law, Governance & Climate Change Workshop during the 2014 UNFCCC CoP20 will feature:
• Substantive sessions on key international human rights, economic and environmental law and policy trends and practices on climate change for sustainable development;
• International exchange on the contributions of law and governance to the proposed sustainable development goal on climate change;
• Design of new collaborative research agendas on law, governance, and climate change;
• Briefings on the diverse contributions and plans of key law and governance organizations and actors in preparations for the post-2015 climate change regime;
• The launch of a new legal working papers series on public participation and climate change, and a series of legal briefs on sustainable development of biofuels and renewable energy;
• The awards ceremony for the winners of the CISDL Legal Essay Competition on Climate Change, Sustainable Development and the Law: Governance Challenges and Innovations.
Conveners: Centre for International Sustainable Development Law (CISDL) in cooperation with the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law (LCIL) at the University of Cambridge; the Centre for Advanced Studies in Environmental Law and Policy (CASELAP) of the University of Nairobi; the Centre for Climate Resilience Research (CR2) of the University of Chile; the Centre for Climate Justice and Chittagong University of Bangladesh; the Fundacion Ecos and St Clare’s College of Uruguay; the Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental of Peru (SPDA) and the Universidad Catolica of Peru and other partners.
Collaborating Partners: The Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), the United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC), the Climate Change and the Law Community of Practice of the World Bank’s Global Forum on Law, Justice and Development, and others.