Bi-annual Lecture Series
Charles D. Gonthier Memorial Legacy
An International Memorial to His Excellency Judge Charles D. Gonthier
The Gonthier Memorial Lecture Series was initiated to celebrate and honour the legacy of Supreme Court Justice Charles D. Gonthier, recognizing the importance of his work for several generations of Canadian and international jurists in promoting responsibility, sustainability and justice. Internationally renowned speakers, selected by a committee of experts, are invited to provide a distinguished lecture every two years, highlighting matters of international, civil and constitutional law related to justice and sustainable development.
- The HE Judge CD Gonthier Memorial Legacy was created in memory of a respected and honoured international judge, professor, jurist and mentor, HE Judge CD Gonthier.
- The late HE Judge CD Gonthier served society and its most vulnerable members as a Judge, appointed to the Supreme Court of Canada and Companion of the Order of Canada. As a distinguished jurist and scholar, a venerated professor and pioneer, an honoured custodian for equality, a reputable humanitarian and an advocate for peace and democracy, he served as a Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Centre for International Sustainable Development Law (CISDL) at the Law Faculty of McGill University of which he was Wainwright Senior Research Fellow. He was also the longest serving member of the Board of Advisors for the McGill Law Journal, from 1992 until his death in 2009, and a board member of The McGill International Journal of Sustainable Development Law and Policy. Honorary doctorates from McGill (1990) and the Université de Montréal (2002), the Order of Canada (as companion, 2007) and the Ordre des palmes académiques de France (as chevalier, 1988), are some of the distinctions he was awarded for his exceptional contribution to law and to the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court. Throughout his efforts, he was supported by his beloved wife Mrs Mariette Morin and his children Georges, François, Pierre, Jean-Charles and Yves.
- HE Judge CD Gonthier was known to the legal community as a gentleman, scholar, philosopher and original thinker. The basis of his worldview was founded upon the ideas of fraternity and community. During his service, he sought for novel and contextual solutions to a wide variety of legal problems, gaining inspiration from values that are essential to our society. In his research, he developed these values in several legal domains, in common law as well as Quebec civil law. In a context which focuses on the immediate needs of the individual, he was concerned with the responsible development of a just society in the long term. As such, he devoted much of his later years to the area of sustainable development law. HE Judge CD Gonthier inspired a generation of scholarship through his school of thought, his articles and books, including Liberty, Equality, Fraternity: The Forgotten Leg of the Trilogy, or Fraternity: The Unspoken Third Pillar of Democracy. With his passing, the world lost a brilliant leader and gentleman, a forward-thinking jurist of outstanding wisdom, honour, and generosity, especially to younger lawyers and scholars, a judge, professor and legal mind who has shaped an entire generation of international lawyers and the law itself towards world peace, justice and more sustainable development.
- The International Memorial engages the important element of disseminating The Memorial is supported by experts and institutions with which he was deeply linked: University of Cambridge, McGill University, and the Centre for International Sustainable Development Law (CISDL).
"The Global Economy, the Sustainable Development Goals & the Law "
2022 Hon Justice CD Gonthier Memorial Lecture
The fourth biennial Hon Justice Charles Doherty Gonthier Memorial Lecture was held on Friday, July 15, 2022.
Co-hosted by the World Trae Insitute and the Centre International Sustainable Development Law (CISDL), in partnership with McGill Factuly of Law, the University of Montreal Law Faculty, the University of Waterloo School of Environment, Enterprise and Development (SEED), the Balsillie School of International Affairs (BSIA), the University of Chile Law Faculty, the University of Costa Rica Law Faculty, the International Law Association of Canada, the McGill Journal of Sustainable Development Law (MJSDL), Canada’s Sustainable Development Solutions Network and other world-class universities and institutions, this lecture was provided by eminent international leaders with global insights, experience and impact, including Professor Sir Christopher Greenwood, Master of Magdalene College, University of Cambridge, and former judge of the International Court of Justice and Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Director General of the World Trade Organization, former Minister of Finance and Economy, and former Managing Director of the World Bank. The lecture was introduced and framed by contributions from Prof. Richard Janda (McGill University), Prof Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger (CISDL / University of Cambridge / University of Waterloo), Dean Prof. Robert Leckey (McGill University), Hon. Justice Mahmud Jamal (Supreme Court of Canada), Hon. Judge Sebastien Grammond (Federal Court of Canada), Prof. Romesh Weeramantry (Centre for International Law, National University of Singapore / Clifford Chance), Hon. Justice Prof. Marcel Szabo (Constitutional Court of Hungary), and Adv. Pierre Gonthier (CISDL Board of Governors).
“Human Rights, the Sustainable Development Goals & the Law”
2020 Hon Justice CD Gonthier Memorial Lecture
* Rt Hon. Chief Justice Richard Wagner, PC (Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Canada)
* Prof Robert Leckey (Dean, McGill University Faculty of Law)
* Prof. France Houle (Doyenne, Université de Montreal, Faculté de droit)
Hon Justice CD Gonthier Memorial Lectures (online, by film): * Hon. Justice Prof. Marcel Szabo (Judge, Constitutional Court of Hungary, Professor of International Law and former Ombudsman for Future Generations)
* Dr. Elizabeth Mrema (Acting Executive-Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity)

“Justice and a Common Future in a Divided World”
2018 Hon Justice CD Gonthier Memorial Lecture

“Justice and a Common Future in a Divided World”
Friday, June 23, 2017 Ms. Irene Khan, Director-General of the International Development Law Organization (IDLO). Hon Justice Guy Canivet, Vice-Chair of the IOC Ethics Commission, former member of the French Constitutional Court and President of the Cour de Cassation of France. Irene Khan spoke about the need for access to justice in all communities and the challenges that accompany such a task. Her speech was grounded in international efforts and seeded with personal, human anecdotes that resonated with the audience and was especially appreciated by those students in attendance.
Available here for download How Can the Rule of Law Advance Sustainable Development in a Troubled and Turbulent World – I Khan
Judge Canivet presented a picture of the role of superior courts in world governance. He reflected on the potential power of these judicial bodies as well as the challenges they face. The audience was reminded of the need for cooperation to both generate and follow international guidelines. The values of fraternity and harmony, so central to the late Judge Gonthier, were presented as possible tools for sustainable development. The Honourable Nicole Duval Hesler, Chief Justice, Court of Appeal of Quebec, opened the Lecture with a heartfelt address on justice and the late Judge Gonthier’s contribution to the Canadian charter.
“Responsibility, Fraternity and Sustainability in International Law”
2015 Hon Justice CD Gonthier Memorial Lecture
H.E. Judge James Crawford AC, Member of the International Court of Justice
This lecture presents an account of international law and its possible future that revolves around three key themes: responsibility, fraternity, and sustainability. These three themes were promoted by Charles Doherty Gonthier, visionary justice of the Supreme Court of Canada from 1989 to 2003, for whom the inaugural lecture where this article was presented is named.
The inaugural Gonthier Lecture was provided by the esteemed James Crawford AC, FBA. Elected a Judge of the International Court of Justice in The Hague in November 2014, Justice Crawford took up this position in February 2015 for a 9-year term. Previously he was Whewell Professor of International Law at the University of Cambridge; he has also held chairs at Adelaide, Sydney and LaTrobe Universities in Australia and as Chang Jiang Distinguished Professor at Xi’an Jiaotong University, PRC. He was responsible for the ILC’s work on the International Criminal Court (1994) and for the second reading of the ILC Articles on State Responsibility (2001). During his practicing career, he appeared as counsel in some 100 cases before the International Court of Justice and other international tribunals. He has also been an active arbitrator both in inter-state and investment treaty disputes. His publications include The Creation of States in International Law (2nd ed., 2006); Brownlie’s Principles of Public International Law (8th ed., 2012); State Responsibility: The General Part (2013), and Chance, Order, Change: The Course of International Law (2014).

Responsibility, Fraternity and Sustainability in Law
2011 Gonthier Memorial Symposium

The symposium was recognised as an instant and tremendous success by participants, speakers and organisers alike. Keynote speeches were delivered by leading international and Canadian jurists, who were also close to Charles D. Gonthier, such as Justice Albie Sachs (South African Constitutional Court), Justice Ian Binnie (Canadian Supreme Court), Justice Christopher G. Weeramantry (former Vice-President of the International Court of Justice) or Mr. Guy Canivet (French Constutional Council), to cite only a few. Panels, all derived from themes dear to Charles D. Gonthier, successfully brought together leading practitioners and scholars with upcoming young jurists. The judge-student session was very much appreciated by all of the student attendees, and allowed an informal interaction between law students and several judges from Canadian Appellate Courts.
The full program is available here for download Charles Gonthier Symposium – Programme (final)- 2011
1) The Man, the Jurist: His Beliefs and Principles | Report The Man, the Jurist His Beliefs and Principles
- L’homme derrière le juriste Conférence Charles D Gonthier – Jacques-Yvan Morin Professor Jacques-Yvan Morin, Professor Emeritus, University of Montreal
- L’avocat et le juge avant sa nomination à la Cour suprême Conférence Charles D Gonthier – Lawrence A Poitras The Honourable Lawrence A. Poitras, Borden Ladner Gervais, Montreal
2) Making Law Fraternally | Report Making Law Fraternally
- …Where Angels Fear to Tread: Idealising an International Law of the Ordinary Conférence Charles D Gonthier – Duncan French Professor Duncan French, Faculty of Law, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK
3) Making Law Responsibly | Report Making Law Responsibly
- L’obligation de renseigner et de se renseigner en droit des assurances Conférence Charles D Gonthier – Vincent Caron Mr. Vincent Caron, Faculty of Law, University of Montreal, Montreal
- When the Rules Don’t Apply: Consumer Social Responsibility Conférence Charles D Gonthier – Sarah Mason-Case Ms. Sarah A. Mason-Case, IDLO, CISDL & Faculty of Law, McGill University, Montreal
4) Responsibility and Democracy | Report Responsibility and Democracy
- Fraternité et responsabilité citoyenne : La laïcité comme vecteur de cohésion sociale et d’égalité Mme Julie Latour, Loto-Québec, Montréal
5) Sustainability and the Law | Report Sustainability and the Law
- Sustainable Development as Freedom: Addressing Equity and Sustainability in the Arab Revolution Conférence Charles D Gonthier – Khoday & Natarajan Mr. Kishan Khoday, U.N. Deputy Representative in Saudi Arabia, Professor Usha Natarajan, American University, Cairo, Egypt
- Fraternité, responsabilité et développement durable: Différentes pistes pour la protection des migrants climatiques Conférence Charles D Gonthier – Benoit Mayer Mr. Benoît Mayer, CISDL & Faculty of Law, McGill University, Montreal
- Le développement durable et le Nord du Canada Conférence Charles D Gonthier – Jean-Benoit Deschamps Mr. Jean-Benoît Deschamps, Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa, Ottawa
6) Responsibility and Legislation | Report Responsibility and Legislation
- A Unique Approach to Interpreting the Scope of Tribunal Powers Conférence Charles D Gonthier – David Stratas Justice David Stratas, Federal Court of Appeal, Ottawa
- L’impact des nouvelles technologies sur les tribunaux : La dignité, l’éthique judiciaire et l‘apport du droit comparé Conférence Charles D Gonthier – Karen Eltis Professor Karen Eltis, Faculty of Law (Civil Law section), University of Ottawa, Ottawa
7) Fraternity and Alternative Conceptions of Law | Report Fraternity and Alternative Conceptions of Law
- Method and Matter in the Gonthier Legacy: Legal History and Judgment Writing 1989-2003 Confrence_Charles_D_Gonthier_-_DeLloyd_Guth Professor DeLloyd Guth, Faculty of Law, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg
- Museums and the Repatriation of Indigenous Human Rights Remains Conférence Charles D Gonthier – Mara Verna Ms. Mara Verna, CISDL & Faculty of Law, McGill University, Montreal
8) Responsibility and Corporations | Report Responsibility and Corporations
- Transports de cargaison par mer, les règles de Rotterdam, leur adoption par les États-Unis, le Canada, l’Union Européenne et les pays transporteurs du monde? Conférence Charles D Gonthier – William Tetley Professor William Tetley, Faculty of Law, McGill University, Montreal
- Substantiating the Principle of Sustainable Development with the Principle of Fraternity: The Case of Corporate Social Responsibility Conférence Charles D Gonthier – Jola Gjuzi Ms. Jola Gjuzi, Ph.D. Student, Bucerius Law School, Hamburg, Germany
9) Fraternity and Equality | Report Fraternity_and_Equality
- La conception du droit à l’égalité de Charles D. Gonthier Conférence Charles D Gonthier – Nicole Duval-Hesler Justice Nicole Duval-Hesler, Quebec Court of Appeal, Montreal
- Réflexions critiques sur les implications de la «fraternité» Conférence Charles D Gonthier – Nathalie Desrosiers Ms. Nathalie Desrosiers, General Counsel Canadian Civil Liberties Association, Toronto
- Justice Gonthier and Disability Rights: The Case of Nova Scotia (Workers’ Compensation Board) v. Martin Justice Gonthier and Disability Rights -The Case of Nova Scotia v. Martin Professor Ravi Malhotra and Ms. Morgan Rowe, Faculty of Law (Common Law section), University of Ottawa, Ottawa
- Face-covering, Fraternity and the Veil Debate Confrence_Charles_D_Gonthier_-_Azim_Hussain Mr. Azim Hussain, Ogilvy Renault, Montreal
- Keynote address: Justice Albie Sachs, former Justice of the Constitutional Court of South Africa, Cape Town, South Africa | Video
10) Responsibility and Private Law | Report Responsabilit_et_Droit_Priv
- Le principe de bonne foi en droit civil québécois Conférence Charles D Gonthier – Louis LeBel Justice Louis LeBel, Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa
- La confiance: De la réalité à la juridicité Conférence Charles D Gonthier – Crête & Naccataro Professor Raymonde Crête and Professor Mario Naccarato, Faculty of Law, Laval University, Quebec City
11) Fraternity in Constitutional and International Law | Report Fraternity_in_Constitutional_and_International
- Charles Gonthier and the Unwritten Principles of the Canadian Constitution Confrence_Charles_D_Gonthier_-_Ian_Binnie Justice Ian Binnie, Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa
- De la valeur de fraternité en droit français Conférence Charles D Gonthier – Guy Canivet Justice Guy Canivet, Constitutional Council, Paris
- Fraternity, Responsibility, Sustainability and Law Conférence Charles D Gonthier – Kamal Hossain Dr. Kamal Hossain, Dr Kamal Hossain and Associates, Dhaka, Bangladesh
12) A Legacy of Responsibility, Fraternity and Sustainability
- HE Judge CG Weeramantry, Weeramantry International Center for Peace Education and Research & former Vice-President, International Court of Justice, Colombo, Sri Lanka | Video